10012023 Psych
3 trimesters - 9 months each trimester = 3 months
Germinal Period
Where implantion takes place
Embryonic Period
2-8 weeks after conception cells form, organs appear three supporting layers
Layers of the Embryo
- endoderm inner layer digestive and respiratory
- mesoderm middle layer circulatory system bones, muscles, reproductive system
- ectoderm outer layer nervous system sensory organ skin brain hair
Foetal Period
life support systems
- amnion
- umblical corc
- placenta
bag/sac like contains amniotic fluid where embryo floats homeostasis -> temp, humidity shockproof
Umblical cord
2 arteries and 1 vein connects placenta and baby
Support system for baby disc shaped supplies necessary nutrients and other material needed takes away toxic waste from the processes (digestive)